From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

Meet your supply chain needs here

As Idaho’s representative of the national Manufacturing Extension Partnership program, TechHelp works with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Supplier Scouting Program to help Idaho manufacturers respond to the supply chain needs of manufacturers in Idaho and nationwide. his program aims to keep millions of dollars in supply chain production within the U.S. by linking your organization with appropriate domestic suppliers, even those that are unique or hard to find.

National Supplier Opportunities

The National Supplier Scouting Program of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership leverages the knowledge and connections of Manufacturing Extension Partnership manufacturing experts in every state. TechHelp regularly receives and shares supply chain needs with Idaho Manufacturers. 

Connect with a Supplier

If you have a supply chain need or want to respond to a Supplier Scouting Program request, let us know by completing our short intake form. Our goal is to connect you with a local supplier and then to explore our regional and national resources to meet your needs. In addition, we will work closely with Idaho Manufacturing Alliance to route incoming supply chain opportunities to Idaho Manufacturers.

Join the Idaho Manufacturers Connect Database

Maximize your visibility and growth potential by joining the Idaho Manufacturers Connect Database. As a member, you gain access to an extensive network of fellow manufacturers, suppliers, and vendors within the state. Become a Connect member to find, serve, and share Idaho supply chain needs.