From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

Advisory Board

TechHelp’s Advisory Board is a group of seasoned manufacturing, business, and economic development professionals whose experience, education, vision, and know-how provide guidance to us. For instance, the Board helps us stay on track and meet the ever-changing needs of Idaho Manufacturers. Similarly, the Board meetings provide a forum where representatives from Idaho Universities, the private sector, and the public sector can come together to discuss needs and issues. Above all, in selecting members, the Board strives for geographic and sector balance to solicit a wide range of views and interests.

Manufacturers/Private Sector

Dave Player
VP, Relationship Manager
Zions Bank

Jim Bean
Radar Business Unit General Manager
Sensata Technologies

Jerry Whitehead
President & CEO
Western Trailer

Rebecca Kuta
Member Engagement and Communications Manager

Sean Brown
Rekluse Motor Sports

Kaz Lawler
Lead Innovation Technologist
Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions

Sid Sullivan
Former AceCo President

Public Sector and Services

Doug Covey
State Director
Idaho SBDC, Boise State University