From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

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Discover what’s new at the New Product Development Lab at Boise State during our Open House on Tuesday, May 10, beginning at 12:30 pm. We will meet at the Boise State Alumni and Friends Center for food & drinks and orientation before heading to the Harry Morrison Civil Engineering Building to tour the new NPD Lab at studio\Blu. The list of NEW developments includes:

  • A new(ish) NPD Lab Manager in Grey Beaudry, standout NPD alumni who brought his unbounded energy back to the Lab in 2020 with years of industry experience. 
  • The new studio\Blu family at Boise State includes TechHelp, NPD, Venture Capitol.Org (VCO), the Engineering Innovation Studio (EIS), and Engineering Research Support.
  • A new and bigger NPD home in the HM Civil Engineering Building.
  • More NPD student employees with a broader range of skills, including mechanical/electrical/software engineering,  graphic design, packaging, videography, marketing, market research, and funding. 
  • An embedded student program that places mentored and seasoned student employees with companies. 
  • Access to a wider variety of equipment and talent thanks to studio\Blu. 

Open House Schedule

We have a limited number of parking spots adjacent to the Alumni Center and more parking across the street in the Bronco Stadium lot. We will send you a parking pass when you register for the event. 

  • 12:30 – Assemble at the Boise State Alumni and Friends Center O’Neill Living Room on the first floor of 1173 University Drive for light food, beverages, and introductions. 
  • 12:45 – TechHelp Executive Director Steve Hatten Introductions & Orientation
    • Intro Deans and VIPs
    • About TechHelp
    • About studio\Blu
    • studio\Blu partners talk about how they work
      • Griff Allen  – Supervisor of the Engineering Innovation Studio (EIS)
      • Sarah Haight – Research Support
      • Mick Wiskerchen  – Venture Capital.ORG
    • studio\Blu fundraising ideas
    • Introduction of NPD Lab Manager, Grey Beaudry
  • 1:15 –  Overview of NPD, including staff, equipment & services
    • Staff & Skill Sets
    • New Website
    • New Social Media Presence
    • New Space & Equipment
    • How We Work and Who We Work With
  • 1:30 – Tour of the new NPD/studio\Blu space in the Harry Morrison Civil Engineering Building at the corner of Euclid and University
  • 2:30 – Tours Wrap Up

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