From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course – Treasure Valley

Idaho Apex Accelerator 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687, Nampa

TechHelp will offer a Public Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) Course this spring in the Treasure Valley. Lean Six Sigma is a well-known approach to achieving operational excellence, combining the process improvement benefits of Lean with the statistical process control strengths of Six Sigma. This course includes four full-day training sessions with time between sessions for participants to work on real-world projects.

IMA Site Tour | CS Beef Packers | Kuna

CS Beef

Curious to see how our beef goes from the farm gate to the dinner plate? We are!!  Since 2017, CS Beef Packers has taken pride in the progressive, sustainable, and state-of-the-art practices used to create steak, ground beef, leather goods, dried bone or blood meal for dog food, and garden fertilizer. They even use the methane gas produced to power their plant.