From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

Youssef Ben Ameur

Launch Team @ studio\Blu & TechHelp

Physical Location
Boise State College of Business & Economics
Corner of Capitol & University – Office Suite 2200

Mailing Address
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1656


Youssef Ben Ameur is a Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Scholar who is currently studying at the College of Business & Economics at Boise State University while pursuing a Business Management degree from the University of Tunis in North Africa. Part of Youssef’s Boise State experience includes working with TechHelp to help Idaho Manufacturers take their products to market as a member of the Launch Team at studio\Blu. 

Youssef is a business enthusiast who loves to share his knowledge and experiences and is always eager to learn new things. He can be many things all at once:

  • A business enthusiast with boundless energy and curiosity
  • Experienced in marketing, sales, and data analysis
  • Oversaw +7 research projects for multiple businesses.
  • A savvy project manager accomplished in team management and leadership
  • Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Program Scholar Cohort 23-24

And also:

  • A lifelong learner
  • Personal Guide: Challenges —> Lessons —> Growth
  • Opportunities seeker
  • A risk mitigator, not a risk taker
  • Multicultural-minded

Youssef is also a TedX speaker who gave his first talk in December of 2023 at the TEDx Warm Spring Avenue Youth Event at Trailhead in Boise. Youssef shared his transformative journey as an exchange student, highlighting:

  • The Power of Cross-cultural Exchange
  • Why do we need it?
  • And how we can effectively practice it? 

Youssef is also a successful pitcher who won TWO business competitions and $2200 in prize money during Boise Entrepreneur Week. He took 1st place in the cybersecurity pitch competition with his Protecto project and 3rd place at the Hacking For Homebuilding challenge with his project Ayprox.


Coming Soon
Youssef Ben Ameur
studio\Blu Launch Team

