From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

What We Do

  • Food Manufacturing Excellence – We bring a broad range of services to the food industry through site visits, needs assessments, on-site project work, on-site training, and public courses. As a result, our Food Manufacturing Specialists offer a wide range of services that can help food processors learn and adopt food safety practices, grow revenues, improve productivity & performance, and strengthen their global competitiveness.
  • Operational Excellence –  TechHelp’s Operational Excellence Team can help manufacturers produce products more efficiently and with higher quality. Our team of trusted advisors has experience in all phases of manufacturing and can help you make critical operational improvements in Leadership, Lean Six Sigma, Quality, and more.
  • studio\Blu – studio\Blu partners with Idaho manufacturers to mentor Boise State students in using their skills to move real-world projects from concept through designing, prototyping, testing, initial manufacturing, funding, and marketing.

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